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Friday, April 1, 2011

Why do some people make the distinction between the terms "kids" and "step-kids"?

When I met my husband, he told me up front that he had a child; one son who was 6 years old at the time. Once we married, I knew that our lives would change.  All of us. My life, my husband's and my new son's.  I was going to be a Mom and I really looked forward to it.  So far, I can say, hand on heart,  it has been great.  My son and I have a lot in common; we share a birthday, each if us is the oldest of our siblings, we like many of the same foods, enjoy computer games, Star Wars re-runs and many other things. He knows I love him and that is important to me.

One thing that I have noticed is that when people meet us and find out he is not my biological son,  they make that distinction.   Of course I am aware that I did not give birth to him, but I love him, am responsible for him, and want to make sure that he grows up to be an outstanding young man.   Why the distinction?  I'm curious.

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